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What this all looks like after 1 year!

I told you all in the beginning of this that I cannot wait to see what this all looks like after one year?

Now after 1 year, 1 year and 3 months to be exact, I feel like I have barely scratched the surface. If I had a pound of sugar in a bowl right now and the sugar represented everything I could and need to do. I MAYBE have taken 1/8 of a teaspoon out of the sugar.

So amuse me a little as I recap what this year has looked like and what I have accomplished.


I wish I had kept track of the exact date I started but I know that it was during my Thanksgiving Break in 2021. I finally took the plunge and after a few months of trying to figure out WordPress I decided to move everything over to Wix and start over. It took me a few days and a few Tutorials but I did it!!

I am so excited I used Wix as it was so much easier to use as a beginner. I was able to build a very colorful site that I felt really showcased who I am.

February 15th my first blog post went live. I have always wanted to write and this is the perfect way to fulfill that dream. I am still trying to figure out formatting and keeping the blog an interesting read.

3) I finished 2 out of 3 Real Estate Courses

I know, I know... why in the world has it taken me almost 2 years to finish this dang thing! UGH!

I have 5 chapters to go before I am done. When I tell you that LITERALLY everything else happens before I choose to read... I am telling the truth.

It's not that I don't like to read or I don't want to finish, I just have to many other things I also want to do at the exact same time. I continually keep convincing myself that "I will start reading at 3pm" yet it's now 6pm and I haven't even looked in the direction of my book. "I think I can finish a chapter today" and yet the entire house was cleaned, food prepped for the week, wasted more than enough time scrolling through reels on Instagram, read a different book, and planned another blog post.

BUT I DIDN'T READ!!!!!!!!!

It will happen, I will finish!! I am not a quitter nor do I intend to start quitting on anything now.

The other thing in the back of my mind is the cost behind starting. After watching all of the costs Tom has incurred after a year in Real Estate that has made me kinda hit the breaks. I am not in a rush to have to start paying fee's of any sort to anyone.

But, with all that whining being said, I am still proud that I actually started it and got as far as I have.

4) I began Furniture Flipping

I truly wish I had started earlier! I watched The Furniture Flipping Teacher during all of lockdown for Covid and kept saying "I think I can do that".

I have now officially finished 19 pieces!!!!

Let's recap this journey by clicking here.

There are pieces that I have wanted to throw in the trash and leave on the side of the curb because nothing was going right. I have over sanded things, repainted and restained after making really silly mistakes. Those usually happen when I have been working too many hours in a row and I have the absolutely BRILLANT idea that I could sand and spray or paint 2 or 3 different projects using the same color in the same day.... DUMB, just DUMB!

I have learned my lessons the hard way. Take your time! It's worth it!!

I wouldn't trade this journey for anything. I truly didn't know or believe I had this in me. I cannot wait to see what 2023 has in store for projects.

5) I started a bunch of different crocheting projects

Do you like how I prefaced that title? "I started" a bunch of different crocheting projects.

In my living room right now are two part way done projects.

I did finish 2 sets of beautiful pillows which have been all sold on Etsy! YEAH!

I finally finished this gorgeous blanket that I had been workin on for months.

I am currently working on another blanket that I am just making up as I go.

Truly my favorite way to crochet.

I am also currently working on crocheting an ottoman for the living room. This one is super exciting and actually very easy. Just incredibly time consuming. My friend Melinda came and helped me use a sewing machine for the first time to build the insert for the ottoman. It is going the be HUGE but stunning!

Which has now peaked my curiosity for sewing and what I could accomplish with a sewing machine.

When I tell you I am going to try to do it all, I am not kidding!

6) I am building my brand - The Abundant Bee

This encompasses everything I am doing!

The Abundant Bee has its hand in each project.

The more I work on this the bigger and broader it becomes. The more I become unlimited in my thoughts about myself and my abilities the more I want to try. The sky is really the limit for me right now!

The Abundant Bee will have the following projects:

- Real Estate

- Interior Decorating

- Crocheting

- Cooking/Baking

- Sewing

- Gardening

- Growing a sustainable garden

- Furniture Flipping

- Fitness

- Beauty & Skincare


- Fashion

- Photography

- Blogging

- Vlogging

- Podcasting

You may look at that and think it is too much! But I look at that and think "what else can I learn to do"?

All of these things are achievable. It takes time, dedication, and persistence in order to keep pace and plan my days, weeks, and months out appropriately in order to handle this. I can do it!

This made me laugh... someone asked me the other day how they can hope to want to do all these things. I told them, just start. You will be surprised at where it takes you.

What are my goals for 2023?

Well I cannot tell you all my secrets now can I?

- I am currently researching what needs to be done to take my business to the next level. More to come on this topic in a quick bit.

- I am committing to making 1 "creation" video a week for my YouTube Channel

- I will be making a separate YouTube Channel for my Vlogs. I hope to put two Vlog videos out a week.

- I am researching what I need to do to start a podcast.

- I will be doing a lot more polls on IG and getting feedback from you all on what you want to see.

Thank you all so much for being a part of this journey.

In 1 year I have gone from 0 YouTube followers to 22 (that may not seem like a lot to you but I am so grateful for it). I have gone from 500 followers on IG to 908 as of today! When you haven't ever had a large following, I am grateful for anyone who wants to follow.

Please help me subscribing to my YouTube Channel and following me on Instagram @the_abundantbee.

Share this site and blog with a friend!

All my best to you all for a great March!


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